Bed-form scale fluvial geomorphology of boreal rivers: effects of changing hydro-climatic regime

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University of Turku


River bedforms, such as ripples, dunes, bars, and pools shape and control flow dynamics of the river and are essential part of the morphological evolution of the river channel. The bedform-scale fluvial geomorphology is important for many species in the aquatic ecosystem and the bed-form scale dynamics are directly connected to reach-scale changes and long-term evolution. With changes in the hydro-climatic regime, also the riverine processes at bed-form scale are expected to change. Thus, to understand how our Boreal river systems will respond to climate change induced  iIt is necessary to investigate also the small spatial and temporal scale fluvio-geomorphological processes.     However, the bed-form scale processes in alluvial rivers are often poorly understood, due to the challenges to study them in natural environments with necessary spatial and temporal resolution. More research is also needed on how the processes between scales are linked. The recent advancements in survey technology (such as unmanned surface and underwater vehicles with attached survey equipment) provide a whole new perspective to process scale understanding of fluvial geomorphology. 

PhD project description:

In this Phd project the river bedforms, dunes and banks, their specific erosional and depositional processes, and their dependency on the prevailing hydro-climatological conditions are investigated using novel and innovative survey methods. The bedform scale processes are linked to reach-scale evolution and the effects of climate change are analysed. As a result of this PhD project, our understanding on how our rivers respond to the altering and changing hydro-climatic regime of the boreal environment, will increase notably. In addition, the new methodological approaches and how they complement the contemporary and well established method selection applied in bed-form scale fluvial geomorphology, will be tested and analysed.

Specific requirements:

The position requires an active approach, diligence and cooperation skills, willingness to team work, and a passion to learn new methods and perspectives. We expect a Master’s degree in geography, geoinformatics or related fields. The candidate would benefit of the following skills (1) Knowledge and interest on Geo-ICT approaches and remote sensing; (2) Strong understanding on hydrological processes; (3) Interest and experience in outdoors & field work.



Dept./Faculty to which the thesis belongs


Principal supervisor

Adj. Prof. Elina Kasvi

2nd supervisor

Prof. Petteri Alho

3rd supervisor


Secondment host
